Saturday, June 13, 2015

Welcome To Darling May Crochet

I celebrated a little crochet-a-versary recently. I've been hooking for two years now. That's 730 days. For 730 days, my mind has been filled with thoughts of yarn, crochet short hand, hooks and wonderful creations.  The joy that twisting that yarn around the hook gives me is immeasurable. And then, once all the twisting is done and you're sitting with something you've made in your hands; it's magical. I'm thrilled when I am able to give my friends and family something I've made especially for them. Last  Christmas, in fact, I handed everyone I love something that was made by me.

So, since I've gotten rather good at it (if I do say so myself), I've opened an Etsy store to sell my items made with love. Please go take a peek! Here is a link to the site. I also thought it was time I returned to the wonderful world of blogging to share my journey. 

Below is a picture of Darling May HQ. The Husband helped me set it up during my summer holidays and I am in love (with him and the craft corner). It cost so little to put together and it's so gratifying to sit here and spend a few hours. I'll put a little post together one day soon explaining how I created it on a budget.

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